Page 7 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
P. 7

        Joyous occasion as Deacons Christopher

        and Malachy ordained to the priesthood

               eflecting on church services that have adapted and  vaccination against this. Au contraire. Keep your sensitivities,
               taken place during the midst of the pandemic,  your weakness, your limits, your vulnerability. That will let the
        R during the lockdown last year in 2020, St Mary’s  power of Christ – St Paul said it – roost in you, pitch its tent in
        Cathedral in Aberdeen were delighted to have welcomed  you, overshadow and protect you, and comfort others.”
        Christopher Doig and Malachy Eze as deacons at a special   Father Christopher, originally from the Perth and Blairgowrie
        ceremony with invited guests who had to adhere to social  area, commented upon his becoming an ordained priest:
        distancing guidelines. And similarly, now this year on   "This day is, without a doubt, the best day of my life. It has
        Friday the 16th of July in 2021, both Christopher Doig  taken seven years of intense prayer and study to get here and
        and Malachy Eze have been ordained to the priesthood.   what a joy it is to make that final Yes and be firmly rooted in a
          In a service celebrated by Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB and  vocation to serve God and His Church. The journey has been
        taking place at St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen with Covid  a long one, mixed with immense joys and trials but ultimately
        restrictions still in place, this Mass was again by “invitation  one that has been fulfilling and a real adventure filled with
        only”. However, an additional thousand viewers from all over  surprises. It is also great to see the family and friends who have
        the  world  were able  to  witness  and participate  in  this joyful  accompanied me and helped me along the way. God be praised!"
        and  blessed occasion which took  place  under  such unique   Father Malachy who was born in Igboland, Nigeria, added
        circumstances.                                        further to  what  he described as  “The  Dream  of a  Newly
          As Bishop Hugh Gilbert had said last year, when Christopher  Ordained Priest”:
        and Malachy were ordained as deacons, they will have a “story   "I was ordained a priest, just two days ago and it is with a
        for  life”  after  being  ordained  during  lockdown.  And  now  as  grateful heart that I reflect on my journey, and to where it has
        priests, Bishop Hugh added:                           taken me. Indeed, the Lord has exceeded all my expectations,
          "The ordinations of Christopher Doig and Malachy Eze on  granting me the gift of the priesthood for his people.  With
        16th July has brought much joy to the Catholic community of  gratitude for what the Lord has done, I can only pray for one
        the Diocese of Aberdeen and to all who know and cherish them.  thing more, that all may truly come to the knowledge of Christ
        Especially as we emerge from the long tunnel of the pandemic, it  as a living person who loves us personally and will remain with
        is heartening to see two young men coming forward full of faith  us till the end.
        and the desire to serve God and their fellow human beings."  "I believe that this too is Bishop Hugh’s vision for the Diocese
          In a moving homily Bishop Hugh cautioned Christopher  of Aberdeen. It is my prayer and my dream, and I sincerely hope
        and Malachy: ”Be aware of the power you carry to wound  that, as a priest, I may become an instrument in God’s hand in
        and pray not to do harm. Pray, in fact, to share the weakness  bringing this about.  I pray that the Spirit of God will renew the
        and vulnerability of Christ. Don’t turn - you won’t turn - into  hunger and thirst for the knowledge of Christ Jesus in the heart
        hard, all-knowing, omni-competent functionaries. Don’t dull  of his people.  It is in knowing Jesus that we are set free, that
        yourselves – you won’t – with cheap consolations. Endure  our hopes are restored, and that we are reassured of his abiding
        people’s grief or anger and disappointment. Accept the measure  presence, specially so in these difficult times."
        of the rebellion and pain of the world that will come your
        way and allow Christ to transfigure it. Your priesthood is no  Glen Reynolds (Evangelisation and Communication Officer)

                  The candidates process to the sanctuary           The candidates lie prostrate before the altar

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