Page 6 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
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         Fertility awareness                                  teaching it, please contact us for more information at info@

                                                     or 0141 221 0858.
         across Scotland sees                                 Mrs Marie Sandison is Clinics and Training Co-ordinator for
                                                              Fertility Care Scotland.
         birth of virtual clinics                                          Fertility Care Scotland

                                                                              196 Clyde Street, Glasgow G1 4JY
            ertility Care Scotland has always taught the Billings
            Ovulation Method®, a successful form of Natural
        FFertility Regulation, across Scotland, but in March     Remote Teacher Training Course
        2020  our  physical  clinics  closed  overnight, and  Virtual
        Clinics were born. With dedication from our volunteers   Are  You Interested in Learning  a Natural Way to
        and  staff,  within  days  we  were  re-opened,  offering   Achieve or Postpone Pregnancy?
        instruction to women and couples from the comfort of
        their own homes.                                       Would  You Like to  Share  This Knowledge  With
          Remote teaching using video conferencing has enabled   Others?
        us to teach anyone wanting to achieve or postpone
        pregnancy naturally. We provide not one but two ways to   Fertility Care Scotland has launched a brand-new,
        chart remotely: Fertility Pinpoint™, a web-based system,   flexible,  online Teacher Training  Course! Apply  or
        and the BillingsApp, both of which share a chart and send   request info at 0141 221 0858 or info@fertilitycare.
        messages quickly and easily with an Accredited Teacher.
          The  Billings  Ovulation  Method®  respects  the  health
        and wholeness of husband and wife. It encourages       Virtual  Clinics  with  our  experienced Teachers  are
        couple communication and a good emotional and sexual   also available  to  all for NFP instruction online.
        relationship. It is applicable at all stages of reproductive life,   Contact us today!
        even for a woman who is breastfeeding, has irregular cycles
        or is approaching the menopause.                         "This is knowledge of her body that every woman ought to have"
                                                                                 Dr Evelyn Billings
          We are incredibly proud of the hard work of our team.
        Demand has soared during the pandemic, and we look        Visit our website
        forward  to  expanding  our  services  even  further  as  we   Join us on facebook
        learn and grow together.  We also have developed an
        online Teacher Training Course and are currently accepting   Follow us on twitter
        applications for anyone wanting to join our team!      Fertility Care Scotland is a registered charity in Scotland number SCO22875
          For anyone interested in learning the method or

          St Andrew Community

          complete new icon of

          "The Light of the World"

                new icon The Light of the World has been written
                by the St Andrew Community. The new icon (20"
          A x 30") was completed in May 2021 and blessed
          by Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB on the Solemnity of the
          Ascension of Our Lord.
            The Latin inscription on the book held by Christ reads:
            "I Am the Light of the world. He who follows me will not
          remain in darkness but will have the Light of Life" The red
          cloak which Jesus wears is rarely seen in iconography and was
          inspired by an ancient Greek icon and from Revelation 19:13
          and Isaiah 63:1.
            Prints of some of the Community's icons are available. The
          Community do not charge for these though donations are
          accepted and half of any donations made contribute towards
          the upkeep of St Mary's Cathedral where the Community are
          based. All enquiries to
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