Page 4 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
P. 4

        Mass to celebrate history of Shetland parish

             he Shetland  Times Bookshop, Lerwick, was
             the unlikely setting for a Mass on 28th June to
        T celebrate the early history of the Shetland parish.
        The bookshop is the former Zetland Hotel and it was here
        that Père Etienne Djunkowsky, Apostolic Prefect of the
        Mission to the North Pole, celebrated the first Mass since
        the Reformation at the beginning of October 1860.
          A few days later, a young Belgian priest, Fr Theophilus
        Verstraeten, was transferred here by Djunkowsky to start
        a Catholic Mission in Shetland. At that time nearly all
        Catholics in the islands were migrant workers in the herring
        industry or fishermen from mainland Europe. Fr Theophilus
        took up residence in the hotel for most of his first year in
        Lerwick. He was active also in Orkney and Caithness.
          In 1864 the Zetland Hotel was put up for sale and bought   Fr Ambrose with representatives of the Parish of St Margaret’s
                                by the Catholic Church.       & The Sacred Heart, Shetland: Pat Loynd, Patricia Nyland,
                                Mass was said here regularly          Hilde and Peter Bardell and Marsali Taylor
                                for the next seven years. Fr
                                Theophilus had plans to build  died in this building, ten days later, on 30th May 1871.
                                a permanent Catholic chapel    The Mass was attended by the bookshop Manager and
                                in the garden of the old hotel,  a small group of parishioners, most of whom had been
                                at the junction of Commercial  involved in the project of researching the parish's history.
                                Street and Queen's Lane.      It marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Etienne
                                  Sadly his fruitful ministry  Djunkowsky and the 150th anniversary of the death of
                                in these islands was cut short  Theophilus Verstraeten and was a reminder of the time, not
                                in 1871 when he contracted  so long ago, when Shetland regained its role as a vital part
                                smallpox from a Belgian  of the Scandinavian Church.
                                fisherman to whom he had
         Fr Theophilus Verstraeten   administered the last rites. He  Fr Ambrose Flavell.  Parish Priest

          Confirmations at Church of the Immaculate Conception, Inverurie

          A composite photograph of this year's candidates for confirmation at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Inverurie.
             Top left - Fr Winthrop Fish and Fr Patrick Rice. Top right - One of the candidates is anointed by Bishop Hugh Gilbert.
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