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         Contents                                              Here be dragons!

        DIOCESE                                                    ack in the 1700s the phrase, "Here be dragons"
        News from around the Diocese including:                    was used by map makers to warn travellers of
        A letter from Bishop Hugh OSB.......................................... 3 Bareas  remaining unexplored  which might well
        Diocesan ordinations .............................................................7  be inhabited by monsters of one sort or another.
        WITNESS                                               Interestingly, I discovered recently, the Hebrew word for
        Pokorna zgoda na wolę Bożą .................................................11  snake, nawkhawsh, could be interpreted as dragon, thus
        Humbly consenting to God's will                       the Bible begins with Genesis and the struggle with the
                                                              serpent or dragon and ends with the Book of Revelation
        EDUCATION AND FORMATION                               with the dragon of St John representing the power of the
        The Resurrection, a feminine reality.............................14   anti-Christian Roman Emperors.
        The Seven Joys of Mary ...................................................... 15  In 2007, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in a homily at a
        Seating the Faithful:  St Gregory's, Preshome ............. 17  Mass to celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed  Virgin
        FAITH AND CULTURE                                     Mary, spoke of the power of  these anti-Christian emperors
        Tracing the path of   Pictish Saint Ethernan   .......................18  as seemingly boundless, "such that before it, faith, the
        The Church of Saint Gregory, Preshome ...................... 20  Church, appeared as a defenceless woman with no chance
                                                              of survival and even less of victory.” However, we know now
        St. Andrew’s church, Antwerp and the Scottish         that "in the end it was the defenceless woman who won
        connection ....................................................................................... 24  and not egoism or hatred; the love of God triumphed and
        Anglican psalms in a Scottish Catholic church?! ........ 25  the Roman Empire was opened to the Christian faith."
        Tobar Mhoire: Revisiting Mary's wells of grace .......... 26  The Pope Emeritus believes we face the same challenges
        The Prayer of Abbé Gaston Courtois .............................. 27  now; that the dragon of Revelation exists today in the form
        If pigs could fly they'd need jackets! .............................. 28  of a materialist ideology which claims that belief in God
                                                              is absurd and “Life is only worth living for its own sake …
        Food and Faith - The Community Garden  at St          Consumerism, selfishness and  entertainment  alone are
        Andrew’s Church, Braemar ............................................... 29  worthwhile."  As  in  the  early  days  of  the  Church,  when  it
        Summer read with papal seal of approval! .................. 31  must  have  been  nearly  inconceivable  that  the  forces  of
        Book Review - Poems in memory of Jonny .................. 33  the time could be defeated, we are faced with a dominant
        MISCELLANY                                            materialist mindset which also seems invincible.
                                                               However, on a note of triumph, Benedict XVI tells us that
        ALLSORTS of Everything .................................................... 34  the Feast of the Assumption is a reminder to "Take heart, it
        CROSSWORD ........................................................................ 35  is love that wins in the end!"
                                                               And there's plenty of evidence for that in this summer
                          The photograph on our front cover was
             up        taken by Matthew Lukowski during the   issue of the Light of the North which carries Glen Reynolds'
                                                              report on the ordinations of Christopher Doig and Malachy
                       priestly ordinations of Deacon Christopher
           front       Doig and Deacon Malachy Eze. The       Eze (page 7) and also some inspirational features. These
                                                              include Lidia Konar's interview with a Polish family faced
                                                              with a life affirming test of faith (page 11), Eileen Grant's
                       photographer catches the striking moment
                       when  the two  candidates  prostrate   article on a lesser known devotion,"The Seven Joys of Mary"
          themselves as the congregation prays the Litany of the Saints   (page 15) and Fr Domenico Zanrè's "Summer read with
          on their behalf. Prostration, which means lying face down   papal seal of approval" (page 31).
          before God, is an ancient posture showing both the donation
          by the candidates of their lives to God and His Church, as   Happy Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
          well as supplication, which is asking God the grace to live
          their lives for God and His Church.                  Cowan

         Managing Editor                                      Advertising
         Deacon Tony Schmitz                                  07816344241
         Cowan Watson                                         The Light of the North
         07816344241                                         St Mary’s Cathedral
                          20 Huntly Street
         Editorial Advisor                                    AB10 1SH
         Dr Glen Reynolds                                     

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