Page 12 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
P. 12


        Poland). I was very depressed but waited until evening for my  piece, on her neck, until she was two or three years old. Today,
        husband to call me on 'Skype'.                        this mark looks like a little dot. She doesn't get sick at all.  I
                                                              am a twin. My mother gave birth to me after less than seven
        Lidia Konar: How did your husband react to the news?  months of pregnancy: it was probably the 6th month and the
        Arleta: I think the Holy Spirit worked here, because Bartosz  third week. There was no ultrasound then. She did not know
        took it in his stride. He asked me if I still loved our baby. I was  that she had two children lying under her heart. It came as a
        furious with him for asking me this, but then I understood what  great shock to her. One child was already dead and I had to
        he was getting at, so when I replied to him that I did love our  have a blood transfusion. I weighed about 750 grams (1lb 10oz)
        unborn child he said, "Maybe it’s God’s will." It was so strange  and no one gave me much chance of surviving. The priest who
        because from that moment I became calm and accepting and  came to the hospital and baptised me told my mother that I was
        there was no more discussion. On the 31st of August I went  crying so loudly in that incubator, that I would survive, but her
        to Scotland. There, no one asked me about the course of my  doctor wasn't so sure and felt that, even if I did survive, I might
        pregnancy, only about the morphology, whether the child was  have a serious handicap. When I was ten months old my mother
        growing properly. I also didn't tell anyone anything because I  took me to this doctor. He admitted that sometimes doctors
        thought that everything would be revealed by the next scan. In  get it wrong. In my opinion a doctor is not truly able to assess
        September, I started subscribing to the Polish weekly magazine  whether or not an unborn child's life is worth living.
        "Niedziela" (Sunday) and there I read about the Novena to Our  Lidia Konar: Did your doctor see Julia?
        Lady of Pompeii which I started in November. I did not ask for  Arleta: I wanted to show him Julia when we went to baptise her
        a healthy child. Instead I prayed: "You know, Mary, that I am  in Poland, but then I thought there would really be no point.
        alone here. If this child is born sick, I will not know how to take  God must have put us to the test, and I believe that we passed
        care of him so I am asking you for help". In addition, I found  it! Neither Bartosz nor I have ever thought that we have the
        out about the Milk Grotto of Our Lady in Bethlehem. This has  right to kill a child, no matter what sickness it might have, or
        become a focus of devotional prayer for women from all over the  even if it was a conception from rape. I think that if someone is
        world - especially those who cannot have children or who have  brought up to believe that abortion is wrong, then when they
        trouble feeding children. I asked Our Lady for her protection.  have problems, they absolutely do not take this possibility into
        I also read about Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus. She is  account.
        the patroness of pregnant women and, through her intercession,
        I often asked for the child be born as soon as possible and that  Lidia Konar: What do you think about what is happening now
        Heaven would take care of me, because I could not count on  as regards the pro-life movement?
        anyone abroad. We received a letter from the hospital to come  Arleta:  I have the impression that today's 60-70-year-old
        for a scan. During the examination I could not see anything  grandmothers have a conscience tainted by the communist era.
        because the monitor was turned towards Bartosz. Two nurses  Instead of being witnesses to a culture of love and life, they
        told me that all the internal organs of our child were developed  are totally against it. They say that a person has the right to do
        and its blood circulation was normal. Bartosz noticed that the  anything because freedom matters. This worries me because if
        baby was stroking its cheek with the outside of its hand.  only young women took part in these pro-abortion marches, I
                                                              would think that there is still a chance that they will come to a
        Lidia Konar: And the baby was born healthy?           better understanding. However, often elderly people are out on
        Arleta: Yes. It happened on the 9th of January. Julia was born  the streets too, and actively promoting these views. We must
        healthy though she had an inflamed spot, the size of a 20 pence  talk about these issues to all those who are prepared to listen.


        Polacy z małej miejscowości Lipniki na Ukrainie potrzebują
        środków finansowych na remont świątyni parafialnej
        p.w. Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Do wparcia
        zaproszeni  są nie  tylko  potomkowie Kresowian,  ale  też
        miłośnicy Kresów i wszyscy ludzie dobrego serca. Wpłaty
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