Page 35 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 35


         Geographically speaking, the Diocese of Aberdeen is one of the largest in Europe and encompasses a wide range of cooking
        styles, traditions and recipes. In this new series Margaret Bradley, with the help of parishioners from around the Diocese,  explores
        some of the unique dishes to be found in our part of the world. From the Parish of St Columba in Banchory, Aberdeenshire,
        Shirley Armstrong shares with us two of her special Christmas recipes: festive Brussels sprout soup with brandy and her mother’s
        recipe for Christmas meat loaf, which she serves with the turkey on Christmas Day, and again cold on Boxing Day with beetroot
        and chips. Delicious!

             hirley is an enthusiastic vegetable gardener and  at St Columba’s Church. Produce from the allotments isn’t
             has been a member of the  Woodend Allotment  allowed to be sold but they can be donated for charitable
        SAssociation in Banchory since 2011. The Allotments  purposes.
        were  opened  in  2007,  extended  in  2011  and  now   This keen gardener likes to grow unusual varieties of
        have 120 fully subscribed allotments including three  vegetables including onions, carrots, leeks, Brussel sprouts,
        community allotments set aside for the disabled. Shirley  broad beans, runner beans, French beans, peas, purple
        has two allotments, with their associated greenhouses,  sprouting  broccoli, courgettes, cabbage, cauliflower  and
        cold frames and fruit cages. She grows red currants, black  kale as well as five different varieties of potatoes! The potato
        currants, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries and,  varieties include: Charlotte, Cara, Pink Fir Apple, Kestrel and
        she says, over the last 12 years they have “produced an  Aran Victory. After lifting, the potatoes are dried off, stored
        awful lot of fresh fruit and vegetables not only for her  first in a hessian sack, then put into a potato bag and stored
        own family but also for her friends, neighbours and the   in a frost free shed or garage for use until spring.
        church”.                                               This Christmas, all the potatoes for the Seniors Christmas
          Shirley makes jams and pickles, such as pickled     Lunch at St Columba’s Church will come from Shirley’s
        cauliflower  and piccalilli  and lots  of  different vegetable   allotment. For the roast potatoes she will use Cara potatoes,
        soups such as Brussels sprout soup and minestrone soup.   a beautiful flowery dry potato. The festive Brussels sprout
        A lot of the produce is used at the church to raise funds   soup with brandy will be served as a first course at the
        for charities such as "Mary’s Meals" (An organisation which   lunch. The soup will be made on the morning of the lunch
        serves nutritious school meals to children living in some of   and the sprouts for the soup she says, “will be picked from
        the world's poorest countries). She  also provides most of   the allotment that morning so they will be as fresh as you
        the vegetables and fruit for the parish lunches and parties   can get”.

                                                              Festive Brussels Sprout Soup with Brandy
                                                              300g cooked Brussel sprouts
                                                              A little cooking oil
                                                              2 onions, chopped
                                                              2 cloves of garlic, crushed
                                                              650ml vegetable stock
                                                              single cream
                                                              100g grated cheddar cheese
                                                              Brandy to sauté the sprouts
                                                              Grated nutmeg
                                                              Roughly chop half the cooked sprouts. Cut the rest into halves
                                                              or quarters - keep some of these for decoration when serving.

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