Page 38 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 38

          Basics for happiness                                constantly enjoy but so frequently take for granted. (e.g.
                                                              the gift God gave you of : having a nice house with running
                                                              water and electricity, the garden, the trees, the sunshine,
                                                              the rain, your ability to walk, your ability to see and hear,
                                                              talk, the education you have received, the availability of
                                                              medicine and medical care…. I am sure that you can add to
                                                              this list) Thank God even for your difficulties. God can and
                                                              will use them for your own good and for the good of others
                                                              – if you let Him! -. ”THANK YOU LORD” is a prayer that has to
                                                              be frequently on your lips and in your heart.

                                                               4. Take pride in your appearance – when you go out and
                                                              whenever you will be meeting others make sure that you
                                                              put on something nice etc. This helps for you to have pride
                                                              in yourself and a positive outlook in life.

                                                               5. Take care of your health: spend time outside in the fresh
                                                              air, go out for walks, make sure that you eat healthy food…
                                                               6. If you go around telling people how unhappy you are
                                                              don’t be surprised if people will avoid you. Such a negative
                                                              outlook is contagious.  You will be making them feel
                                                              unhappy too and everyone has their own problems in life.

                                                               7. As a Christian you are expected to unite your sufferings
                                                              to the sufferings of Jesus to obtain God’s blessings for the
                                                              world around us. We do not pray only for ourselves and
                                                              our problems. Everyone has their own difficulties in life.
                                                              (You could pray for the many people who have far greater
                                                              problems than yourself, people who live in severe poverty
                                                              and lack  the basics of life  which you  take for  granted.
                                                              Pray for those who are suffering because of war, violence,
                                                              hunger, injustice, persecution, natural disasters….) We do
                                                              this especially when we go to church and participate in the

                                                               8. The Mass is our most important act of worship and
          1. Self pity is NOT an option (unless you want to be   prayer. In the Eucharist we unite our prayers and worship
        miserable!). It is very important to leave the past behind   to the worship that Jesus offers to our heavenly Father on
        and live in the present.                              our behalf. It is up to you to give it due importance. No one
                                                              can do this for you.
          2. Forgiveness: If anyone has hurt you in the past then,
        whenever you are tempted to let such memories get you   9. Being part of the Church community should be a great
        down, what is needed is to purposely forgive them in your   help so go to the Church for Mass on Sundays and on some
        heart. This will need to be done frequently – once will not   of the weekdays.
        be enough. You have to start taking seriously the words
        that Jesus gives us in the gospel that “Unless you forgive   10. Make sure that you put Our Lady into your life. You
        others from your heart then your heavenly Father will not   may find praying the Rosary and the following prayer
        forgive you.” In the Our Father prayer that Jesus taught us   helpful:
        pray the words “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive   REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was
        those who have trespassed against us” – a dangerous   it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored
        prayer if you do not forgive all who have in some way hurt   thy  help,  or  sought  thy  intercession  was  left  unaided.
        you!                                                  Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins,
                                                              my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful
          3. Creating a positive outlook in your life depends   and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not
        completely on yourself – other people cannot do this for   my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
        you. An important help towards having a positive outlook   These suggestions will only be of help if you give them
        is to throughout the day – especially whenever you    real importance in your daily life.
        are tempted to pity yourself and see only the negative   Others can give support and encouragement but if you
        side of life – is to seriously and frequently make acts of   really want things to change this depends completely on
        GRATITUDE to God for the very many blessings that you   yourself.

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