Page 7 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 7

        A fond farewell to Fr Patrick Rice SJ

        Parishioners of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Inverurie turn out in force for a farewell barbecue for Fr Patrick Rice SJ
               Mass  was  celebrated  at  the  Church  of  the  perhaps we could use a more modern analogy. Well, relatively
               Immaculate Conception in Inverurie on Sunday,  modern.
        A  27  August, marking the retiral of Fr Patrick Rice   If our information sources are correct, you were born in Malta
        SJ who has served the Diocese of Aberdeen for the last 19  on the 27  December, 1942. Malta at that time was just about
        years. After Mass, at a farewell barbecue, a moving address  surviving the most horrendous period in its history. Positioned
        was given by parishioner Joe McCanns:                 mid-way between Italy and North Africa, it played a vital role
          "Fr Patrick, we could not allow this special occasion to pass  in disturbing and destroying the Axis supply to North Africa.
        without saying a few words of thanks to you before you depart   But boy, it paid one heck of a price. Being only a short flying
        for warmer and almost certainly drier climates ...To say farewell,  distance from airbases in Italy and North Africa, it was pounded
        to say thank you for being with us and leading us during the last  from the air, relentlessly. Indeed, the island was on its knees and
        11 years – yes, doesn’t time fly when you are enjoying oneself!  food supplies were desperately short.
          And of course, how can we not celebrate this magnificent   One last effort was made to supply the island with much
        occasion of your well-earned and most merited retirement.   needed food and fuel. A convoy of 14 merchant ships was
          So, what can we say to mark this occasion. Nineteen years in  assembled. It was to be escorted by a huge number of Royal Navy
        the Diocese of Aberdeen. Eleven years as our parish priest. And  ships – which included 24 destroyer escorts. It left Gibraltar on
        51 years, yes 51 years since being ordained a priest.   11  August, 1942, and arrived in Malta on 15  August. Of the
          You have often talked about the role of shepherds at the  14 merchant ships, five survived, but enough to refurbish the
        time of Christ. So, should we compare you to being a Good  island with much needed fuel and food. It marked the turning
        Shepherd?  I  think  we  can,  but  somehow,  we  have  a  slight  point in the island's fight for survival.
        problem with using that analogy. You see, in explaining how the   A significant feature of the convoy was the protection given
        first people to be told about the birth of Christ were Shepherds,  by the 24 destroyer escorts. And there lies the analogy of your
        you explained how it was good, simple people who were first  work with us, Fr Patrick. You have been our convoy protection
        told the news, not kings or high priests. You talked about the  on our journey through the sea of life. Like those destroyers
        shepherd’s role and how they knew their sheep, and how the  going to Malta you have been present alongside us. Guiding us
        sheep knew their shepherd. Yes, indeed you certainly fit the role  in our convoy in fair weather or foul. Always ready to nudge us
        of a good shepherd in how you have exercised your vocation in  in the right direction when needed or to offer words of wisdom
        this parish. But alas, we can’t use that analogy. You see, you also  and  words  of  encouragement.  Ready  to  offer  advice  or  to
        described the tough life that shepherds led – including the fact  provide spiritual nourishment. Encouraging us to go faster, or
        that they probably never washed and might smell pretty badly.  slower. Sometimes leading from the front, sometimes pushing
          So, I won’t make that comparison. However, I did think that  us from the back. Indeed, sometimes even dropping a depth

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