Page 2 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
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        Contents                                                No news is good news

        DIOCESE                                                      ost of us want to be informed about what is
        News from around the Diocese including:                      happening in the world around us, if only to
        Letter from Bishop Hugh Gilbert ...................................... 3  Mpray for those suffering and in need. However,
        St Joseph's  80th birthday.........................................................4  constant exposure to a stream of bad news has been
        Fr Patrick Rice SJ retirement ....................................................7  proven to take a toll on our mental health, increasing our
        World Youth Day ......................................................................9  anxiety and stress levels which can then impact on our
        Fellowship awarded to Deacon Tony Schmitz ..............10  sleep and overall wellbeing.
        Fr Giles' 50th anniversary of first monastic vows  ........11  It seems that it's all to do with how negative news
        Solemn Profession of Brother Benedict-Joseph ..........12  activates our brain's "fight or flight" response which
        Artist Joyce Davis' s Peacock exhibition  ...........................13  prompts the body to release stress hormones, its natural
        WITNESS                                               response to a crisis.
                                                               Psychologists believe that humans have a  “negativity
        Rosemary's story .................................................................. 16  bias”, whereby we pay more attention to negative
        EDUCATION AND FORMATION                               information than positive so, to make matters worse, social
        Following Mary to the foot of the cross  ..........................17  media outlets, knowing this, will tend to focus on disaster
        Preparing for the Lord ......................................................... 20  reporting, outlandish human-interest stories, rumour
        FAITH AND CULTURE                                     and controversy rather than positive news: sensational
        Lessons and carols ............................................................... 22  headlines tend to get more attention and so more "clicks".
        Walking the "Way of St Francis" ..................................... 23  Aside from our own wellbeing, there is also the danger
        St Gregory the Great on ministry burnout ..................... 24  that we become desensitised to tragedy; that we can no
        Book Review - "Equal but Different" ............................... 25   longer respond empathetically to the horrors we are
        The Picts and the Peterkirks .............................................. 26  being presented with.  We may even develop a strange
        Polish announcements....................................................... 29   compulsion to be forever searching for more and more
        Polscy Katolicy w Szkocji za 10 lat ..................................... 30  negative content, or what is now called "doom scrolling"!
                                                               We need to remember that there is good news out there,
        Konstanz Cathedral ............................................................. 33  though it may not grab the headlines.  For a start, it’s Advent,
        Dishes from the Diocese - Banchory .............................. 35  a time for reflection, spiritual growth, and embracing the
        MISCELLANY                                            hope and promise of Christ's arrival, both in the historical
        ALLSORTS of Everything .................................................... 37  event of his birth and in the future expectation of his
        CROSSWORD AND SUDOKU ............................................ 39  return. And the angel said to them: ''Fear not, for behold,
                                                              I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the
                              his nativity scene was painted   people.'' - Luke 2:10
              up         T(English:      "Lawrence     the    Light of the North. You can read about how St Joseph's
                              in  1414 by  Lorenzo  Monaco
                                                               And there's more good news in this Advent issue of the
            front        Monk"), an Italian painter of the    Catholic Primary School, Inverness, celebrated its 80th
                         early Renaissance.
                                                              birthday (Page 4) while Eileen Grant in, Preparing for the
                         The ox, ass, manger, and heavenly host
                         are all pictured as in Luke chapter two.   Lord, reflects on scripture to reaffirm what Advent is really
                                                              all about (Page 20).  On page 22 Shelagh Noden discovers
         Also faithful to Luke two is Lorenzo's way of depicting   the origins of the traditional ‘Lessons  and Carols Service’
         the annunciation to the shepherds. In verse nine "the   and Lidia Konar takes a positive look at the future of Polish
         brightness of God shone round about them; and they   Catholicism in Scotland (Page 30). Good news indeed!
         feared with a great fear." The shepherds' mountain on
         the left corresponds with the empty hill on the right   Wishing you a blessed Advent and a Happy Christmas
         with a dark tree in the background. This is probably a
         reference to the hill of Calvary and the tree on which the   Cowan
         baby in the foreground is destined to die.

         Managing Editor                                      Advertising
         Deacon Tony Schmitz                                  07816344241
         Cowan Watson                                         The Light of the North
         07816344241                                         St Mary’s Cathedral
                          20 Huntly Street
         Editorial Advisor                                    AB10 1SH
         Dr Glen Reynolds                                     

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