Page 10 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 10


        loved the early morning beats because it also debunked the  languages and sang to the same tune. It was BEAUTIFUL! One
        myth that being a Catholic and a Christian keeps you in a sort  thought was ever present in my mind: The Church is ONE,
        of prison where you are never allowed any form of fun. Sin  regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, language, nationality, or
        doesn’t equate to fun and fun does not equate to sin. We are to  any other differences we may have.
        be joyful and happy people.                            Will I go to the next WYD? YES, I WILL (God willing).
          One thing stood out for me throughout this WYD trip. I was   My advice to every young Catholic out there is to look
        just so amazed at how the body of Christ was united at Masses  forward to Rome 2025 and South Korea 2027 with an open
        and at all the programmes and events, irrespective of the fact  heart and I can assure you that God will meet you there, and
        that there were so many language barriers. Even if the person  you will have an encounter with him that would transform
        standing or sitting next to you didn’t understand you, when it  your life for good.
        came to Mass we all responded and participated in our own

        For he's a jolly

        good fellow!

              eacon Tony Schmitz, deacon of St Mary's Cathedral,
              Aberdeen and secretary to Bishop Hugh Gilbert
        DOSB was admitted as a fellow of Maryvale Institute
        International College in Birmingham.  The college is a
        leader  in  the  provision  of  lifelong  learning,  for  all,  in
        Catholic evangelisation, catechesis, theology, philosophy
        and religious education.
          In  his citation,  Deacon  Dr  Harry   Schnitker,  Director  of
        the Research Centre for Pastoral  Theology at Maryvale,
        spoke of Deacon Tony's extraordinary generosity and the
        literally life-transforming influence that he has had  on so
        many people: "For well over a decade, he was the quiet
        but forceful heart of the diaconal formation programme in
        Scotland, covering all eight dioceses."
          Deacon Harry added that, "During  Tony's long tenure,
        there has been a quiet flowering of the diaconate in the
        country, and his own role in this cannot be overstated."
          Deacon Harry also mentioned  Tony's long and
        distinguished career in publishing and his leading role in
        the Littleway Healing Ministry.
          Finally, on presenting Deacon  Tony as a fellow to the
        Maryvale community, Deacon Harry disclosed that a
        Maryvale fellow usually combines two  traits: a  deep
        faithfulness to the teachings of the Church and a profound   Deacon Tony Schmitz, Fellow of Maryvale Institute
        erudition and that Deacon Tony qualified on both counts.

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