Page 11 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 11

         News from

         Stella Maris

             ishop Hugh Gilbert waved a timely goodbye
             to a crew of Filipino seafarers as they departed
        BAberdeen for sunnier climes recently – with all of
        them insisting they would miss the Granite City.
          Bishop Hugh, who is the Scottish Bishop Promoter for
        Catholic seafaring charity Stella Maris, was invited onto the
        Seacor Ohio which had been working in the North Sea for
        a few years before leaving for its ultimate destination of
        Namibia in South West Africa on a 9-12 month contract.
          The visit was arranged by Deacon Doug Duncan, Stella   Bishop Hugh conducts a service for some of the crew members
        Maris Port Chaplain for the North East of Scotland, who had
        been visiting the ship in the Port of Aberdeen when the  brine, and other various essential items before heading off.
        crew asked if they could meet Bishop Hugh one final time   On the morning visit, the crew were thrilled to meet and
        prior to their departure.                             chat with Bishop Hugh who met with Captain Pavel from
          Many of the Filipino crew had visited the local Catholic  Poland on the Bridge and two of the second officers.
        Churches and had attended the monthly Filipino Mass    In the mess room,  he met with several of  the crew
        celebrated in Aberdeen which Bishop Hugh Gilbert had  members and a short service and blessing of the vessel was
        celebrated. So they made a point of asking Deacon Doug if,  conducted by Bishop Hugh.
        on their return from Norway and before heading to Africa,   Over a light Lunch on board the vessel, many stories were
        he could arrange for Bishop Hugh to visit the ship, having  shared and the impending 35-day voyage via Las Palmas
        previously met them.                                  was discussed.
          Bishop Hugh was delighted to accept the request whilst   The seafarers said they would miss Aberdeen but were
        the vessel was busy loading up with additional stores, fuel,  looking forward to the better weather of Africa during the
                                                              coming winter months.

               round 40 bishops from Europe, including  first part of the Synod presided over by Pope Francis.
               Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB, attended the Plenary   The assembly commenced with speeches by
         AAssembly of the Council of the Conferences of  Archbishop Charles Scicluna, the Apostolic Nuncio for
         European Bishops (CCEE), which was held in Malta for  Malta Mgr Savio Hon Tai-Fai, and an online intervention
         the first time and organised by the Maltese Episcopal  from the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista
         Conference. During this assembly, which takes place  Pizzaballa OFM.
         every year in one of the member  countries  of  the   The assembly focussed on three main themes. Cardinal
         Council, the bishops discussed the theme ‘New Steps  Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod, presented
         for a Synodal Church in Europe’. This comes after the  the work carried out in the Synod of Bishops ‘For a Synodal
                                                                       Church: Communion, Participation, Mission’
                                                                       and provided an indication of necessary
                                                                       preparations for the second part of the synod
                                                                       scheduled for October 2024.
                                                                         Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ,  Vice
                                                                       President of the CCEE and General Rapporteur
                                                                       of the Synod, discussed the relationship
                                                                       between    synodality  and   supranational
                                                                       structures, aiming to give a new missionary
                                                                       boost to the Church in Europe. Cardinal
                                                                       Grzegorz Ryś, Archbishop of Łódź, will gave
                                                                       an update on the working group revising the
                                                                       Charta Oecumenica, a document focusing on
                                                                       enhancing collaboration between different
                                                                       Churches in Europe.
                                                                         Throughout the assembly, three evening
                                                                       Masses were held, open to all Christians,
         Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB with Fr Paul Bonnici and Fr Patrick Rice SJ, both   particularly those involved in the Church’s
                 of whom have close ties with the Diocese of Aberdeen  mission.

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