Page 9 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 9

        Some  amazing  memories

        of World Youth Day 2023


                                                              and metro queues for hours. All I could do was unite these
                  ords still fail me when I try to describe what   sufferings with that of our Lord Jesus Christ because I know
                  my WYD2023 experience was like. It lives on   for a fact that my suffering was so little compared to what he
         Win me. I have made lifelong friends and built       went through on His way to Calvary.
        lifelong relationships. I have got closer to the Lord and I   Leaving all this aside, there were some truly good and amazing
        got to know Him so much better.                       experiences which I will never forget: The Petro Kibe Play led
          A few weeks before the trip, I was so excited that I told almost   by the Apostolic Brothers of St John; the Taizé Worship led by
        everyone at my workplace that I was going on a pilgrimage.
        Not many understood it but my simplest way of explaining it
        was that millions of young Catholics would be gathering with
        the Pope to pray together as one body. I knew it was going to
        be a pilgrimage and not a holiday but I wasn’t sure what to
        expect as I had never really been to one before.
          In all honesty, the experience did have its highs and lows, the
        lows being mainly to do with the extreme weather conditions.
        Even with my dark skin, the sun dealt harshly with me and I
        got burnt to the point that my skin was peeling off. My legs
        and entire body were always so tired from walking so much
        in the hot weather, and regardless of how much water I kept

                                                              a group from Taiwan, and the Change Worship Concert with
                                                              Matt Maher and TAYA. Then there was the time for adoration
                                                              at the Papal Vigil; the visit to Fatima; the beautiful and holy
                                                              places we visited in Portugal; the beautiful beaches and scenery.
                                                              I was so blessed at these events and they remain ever green in
                                                              my heart and memories. I grew up praying the Rosary in line
                                                              with the instructions given to the three children at Fatima as a
                                                              Block Rosary Crusade member, and I never for once thought
                                                              I would be so blessed as to visit the apparition site in person.
                                                               At the Papal Vigil, we had this DJ priest who woke us up
                                                              with banging sounds which I absolutely loved. He mastered
                                                              a mix with the popular Zulu Song Jerusalema which had the
                                                              lyrics of Jerusalem Heavenl Home. This, he combined with some
                                                              homilies by PJ II and some other nice beats. I particularly
        drinking, it wasn’t really compensating for the tiredness. Shall   found this very helpful because it woke us all up so we could
        I also say that our sleeping conditions throughout the two   get ready for the final Mass. I saw people dancing and shaking
        weeks was not the greatest, neither were waiting in the train   their heads to it while I went about getting ready for Mass. I

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