Page 16 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 16

        Rosemary's story

        BY JIM PIRIE

                en was answering the 'phone when a man entered
                his television shop. The man looked nervous and
                asked Ben if he rented portable TV's.
        B "Sorry," said Ben and the man, his lips trembling,
        seemed to be overcome with emotion.
          “Whoa, what’s wrong? Come on into the office and share a
        coffee with us."
          Little did Ben know then that this was the beginning of a
        friendship which would last a lifetime with the man, he would              Rosemary
        soon come to know as Bob, and his family.
          Over a coffee Bob opened up about his life and, more to the   to pay for such a costly piece of sophisticated equipment.
        point, explained about his daughter Rosemary. It seemed that   Ben, now joined by Joe, his business partner of thirty years,
        Rosemary was training as a physiotherapist when, at the age   was both inspired and saddened at Bob’s account of Rosemary's
        of twenty-two, she was cruelly struck down by a mystery virus   life.
        which left her paralysed from the eyes down. The first two weeks   "Well, Bob, at least you don’t need to worry about the portable
        of her illness were long and painful. Her parents never left her   colour TV because we will supply Rosemary with one free of
        bedside and were told to prepare themselves for the worst.   charge."
          However, as the days and weeks passed, Rosemary gradually   At this point Bob broke down and couldn’t thank the two
        rallied round and, although still paralysed and unable to speak,   men enough. But then Ben asked Bob how he was going to
        she managed to work out a basic way of communicating with   finance the possum project. Bob didn't seem sure. Ben and Joe
        her family and loved ones. Rosemary’s family and the hospital   glanced at one another. Each knew exactly what the other was
        staff were absolutely delighted with her progress and the years   thinking.
        of training as a physiotherapist were now paying dividends for   Ben was the first to speak, "Joe and I have done some
        Rosemary.                                             fundraising in the past. Perhaps we could help with that."
          Eventually she was sent home to her parents house in   Bob  remained  silent  for  a moment before he  replied,  "I
        Bucksburn and her heart was filled with a mixture of sorrow   couldn’t possibly let you do that. My goodness, a television set
        and gladness as she returned to her old room. A friend called   for Rosemary is more than enough, honestly."
        to see her and told Rosemary that a candle had been lit for   Now it was Joe's turn to speak, "Leave it with us Bob and we’ll
        her in St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. The friend had taken a   get back to you next week."
        photograph of the lit candle and had it framed, and Rosemary’s   The following week Ben went out to visit Bob and his wife
        eyes lit up and sparkled at this simple yet profound gesture of   Pearl. By now the TV had been duly installed and Rosemary
        love, whenever she looked at it.                      was absolutely delighted as she could now keep up with current
          Rosemary did her best to adjust to the circumstances she   affairs and view her favourite programmes. Ben explained
        found herself in but she so much wanted to communicate more   to them how his company had supported other businesses'
        with her family and friends. Her dream would be to have a   fundraising schemes in the past and many of them had now
        "possum machine"; a piece of special equipment which assists   agreed to support Rosemary's cause. Ben's plan was simple. The
        paralysed people to "talk". In Rosemary's case she would be able   works van would be loaded with bicycles and taken to Braemar
        to operate it by blinking her eyes. The problem though was how   and a "team" would cycle to the Park Hotel in Aberdeen, a
                                                              distance of around 50 miles. Ben thought that the trip would
                                                              raise a few eyebrows, but more to the point, the money raised
                                                              would go towards paying for the possum machine.
                                                                Bob and Pearl AND Rosemary could not believe Ben and
                                                              Joe were doing this for them but the men also knew that they
                                                              would have some great craic with the lads and that they had the
                                                              support of their sponsors behind them.
                                                                A week later the team rode off on their bicycles from Braemar.
                                                              There was around an inch of snow on the ground at Braemar
                                                              but by the time they reached Ballater, where they stopped off
                                                              for a coffee and rolls, the sun came out and it was a different
                                                              scene altogether. They cycled on to Banchory. Time for more
                                                              hot coffee and buns! The banter along the way was great and
                                                              the final stage of the journey was fairly easy so the team were in
                                                              great form when they sailed into Aberdeen and the Park Hotel,
                                                              to be met by family and friends.
                                                                Encouraged by our cycling adventure Ben and Joe went on to
             Some of the members of Rosemary's cycling team

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