Page 20 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 20


                              Preparing for the Lord

                                                              that might set up an obstacle in the path of the Lord into
                      “Almighty and merciful God,             our lives and into our hearts. Then we shall be fit and ready
                 May no earthly undertaking hinder those      to greet our divine King when he arrives in all His glory.
                  who set out in haste to meet your Son,
                but may our learning of heavenly wisdom                      “Shout with a loud voice,
                   gain us admittance to his company.”                     joyful messenger to Jerusalem.
                   (Opening Prayer Advent Sunday B).                            Shout without fear,
                                                                             say to the towns of Judah,
           n Advent we are urged to prepare to greet the Lord                    Here is your God.”
           with joy and open, welcoming hearts – to meet him
           and share his life through the sacraments, gifted   This expectation of the coming of the Lord in glory should
       Ito us through that first coming in the flesh; but     evoke intense joy in us, not fear, for the One we are eagerly
        especially to be ready for him when he comes again    awaiting is our Saviour, the God who has loved us with an
        in glory. Not only must we remain watchful, but we    everlasting love; the God who suffered and died for us; the
        must make ourselves ready, worthy to greet our Lord’s   God who rose from the dead to show us our way into the
        triumphant return when he will gather us to himself.  Kingdom of Heaven. What is there to fear? All we have to do
                                                              is “lead lives without spot or stain” and keep vigil.
              “O People of Zion, behold, the Lord will come to
          save all nations, and the Lord will make the glory of his    “He is like a shepherd feeding his flock,
            voice heard in the joy of your hearts” (Is 30:19,30).           gathering lambs in his arms,
                                                                          holding them against his breast
          The Prophet Isaiah offers words of consolation from God     and leading to their rest the mother ewes.”
        to His people who have for so long been pining in darkness,
        yearning to go home and to know their Father’s tender care   Isaiah, whose lips an angel touched with divine fire at
        once again. He describes the coming of the Lord in triumph   the beginning of his mission, offers us such beautiful,
        in royal terms: “Prepare in the wilderness a way for the   strengthening images. This is what we can look forward to:
        Lord. Make a straight highway … Let every valley be filled   not annihilation, not uncaring tyranny, but to be gathered
        in…” In Isaiah’s world, when a king was expected to visit his   up into the arms of our Lord and tenderly carried to our
        subjects, they would indeed repair the roads to make his   eternal rest and beatitude.
        progress easier: level hills and fill in potholes. In our turn,
        we have to prepare ourselves to be open to the Lord; to       “The Day of the Lord will come like a thief,
        fill in the holes of indifference or neglect; to remove the   and then with a roar the sky will vanish, the
        mounds of sin, of greed, of envy, of intolerance: of anything   elements will catch fire and fall apart, the earth
                                                                      and all that it contains will be burnt up.”

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