Page 25 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
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        for self-care to enable one to be a better minister to others. One  and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35).
        of his many writings, The Book of Pastoral Care, is full of wisdom   The idea of balance in one’s ministry has been adopted by
        drawn from his own life experiences. It is a practical handbook  other saints throughout the years. For instance,  St Teresa of
        that was used to guide the works and spiritual lives of the clergy  Ávila (1515-1582) wrote in  The Interior Castle, “Works are
        of the 6th century and many others since.             what the Lord wants! He desires that if you see a Sister who is
          Burnout in any professional sense must surely be a difficult  sick to whom you can bring some relief, you have compassion
        experience, but if faith is the reason a ministry is undertaken  on her and not worry about losing this devotion”. But it was
        to begin with, burnout can affect this faith. Burnout can be an  particularly St Gregory’s in-depth writings that encourage us to
        additional factor in pushing someone away from the faith they  turn to the Lord for equilibrium.
        once loved. And this must surely be one of the worst things that   And balance is not just good advice, but a must. St Gregory
        could happen to those answering the call of ministry. Their “Yes”  stated, “It is necessary that the attention that is given to the
        should never result in a falling away from their faith altogether.  external concerns of laity must be kept to a certain limit”. Giving
          St Gregory, however, described balance, or consideratio, as the  oneself completely without moderation risks overstretching. If a
        way forward. The idiom “too much of a good thing” says it all.  person can give their best while also preserving energy through
        We may well enjoy our ministry in helping others grow in their  self-care, the eventual result is more likely to be the prevention
        relationship with God, having discerned it as a true vocational  of burnout.
        calling. However, pushing oneself until there is nothing left to   According to St Gregory creating a better self makes for a
        give would achieve the opposite. But particularly by reading His  person who is better equipped to minister to others. I recall
        holy word in scripture, and spending time with Him in prayer,  Jesus visiting Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. We learn that
        this much needed balance can be maintained or even restored.  “Mary has chosen the better part”, but this does not mean that
        Thus, while going on holiday or getting a massage might seem  Martha’s part was unimportant. And it is this balance described
        like a good way to forget stress and trouble, this is not what  by St Gregory and illustrated by Mary’s contemplative life and
        St Gregory advocated. According to him, in times of doubt  Martha’s active life that will eventually create a fruitful ministry
        spiritual leaders should direct their attention to knowing when  that all of us can benefit from.
        to take a breather, to serve others by helping oneself, and to turn
        to the Lord in whose name ministerial work is done. Even Jesus   Kirsten Schouwenaars-Harms is a parishioner of St Thomas',
        took time to spend with his Father: “In the morning, while it  Keith, and a doctoral student at St Mary's University,
        was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place,  Twickenham  where  she  is  working  towards  a  doctorate  in

                            MAUREEN WOODHEAD                  meditating on these texts and her conclusions are not only
                                                              thought-provoking  and challenging  but also stimulating
                                                              and refreshing.
                                                               Equal  but  Different is a comprehensive guide not just
                            Equal but Different: What the     to reinterpreting the sacred texts but explaining how
                            Bible Really Says About Women     texts  can be  read in  different ways,  leading  us to form
                             Author: Jane Coll                conclusions which are, above all, more positive and tend
                            Paperback: 244 pages              to show women in a more favourable light rather than a
                            Publisher: Independent - Available   stereotypical view of women whose moral behaviour is at
                            from Amazon                       best questionable.
                            February 4, 2023                   This is not a straightforward commentary or an academic
                            ISBN-13: 979-8374601978           dissertation. Instead, the book has been designed in
                            List Price: £6.50                 such a way as to facilitate group discussion with Jane’s
                                                              own interpretations stimulating and encouraging the
                                                              expression of diverse opinions among the group members.
             his is the author's second book which emerged     Is the book an explanation, an apology, an academic
             from the 'left over' research notes for her first book,   dissertation, an elucidation, an explication or an
        THandmaids of the Lord: Women Deacons in the Catholic   interpretation? Perhaps any one of these descriptions might
        Church (published in 2013).                           apply. It is certainly not a straightforward commentary.
          The  title  of  this  new  book  comes  from  the  writings  of   The book has been presented in such a way that groups
        Pope St John Paul II who often wrote about the need for   can use it for further discussion and the individual can
        both society and the Church to recognise the equality and   use it for personal study and development. Jane’s own
        dignity of women.                                     interpretations are helpful in encouraging the reader to
          The author has spent many hours researching and delving   take a fresh perspective and deepen their understanding
        deeper into the sacred scriptures, gleaning highlights from   of a given event. She helps us to reach more constructive
        the Church Fathers and commentators such as the  New   conclusions, and to see women in a positive and better
        Jerome Biblical Commentary to name but a few. In the New   light than perhaps history has judged them.
        Testament section the author draws from classic writers   Jane Coll concludes that "it is not that women should
        such as St Francis de Sales and St Benedict, the founder of   have exactly the same roles as men but that they should
        Western monasticism.                                  have exactly the same religious/social and political value."
          The author has clearly spent much time systematically

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