Page 19 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 19


        the idea of a “Holy Hour,” of an hour spent with Jesus. The  works are dependent on us and our own efforts, and that is
        Eucharist is a source. It gives us strength for the battle that  far too heavy a burden for us to carry alone. 
        our Christian life can be and certainly is.            You will become a true evangeliser, that is you will
          Of course, we can pray anywhere and if we can’t make it  draw others to Christ, to the extent that you are a true
        to a Church we can always pray in our homes. Don’t get me  contemplative. To quote Dom Chautard again, “The efficacy
        wrong, it is good to pray in our homes! At the same time,  of an apostolate almost invariably corresponds to the degree
        there is something very special about being in the presence  of Eucharistic life acquired by a soul. Indeed, the sure sign
        of Jesus in the Eucharist. Indeed, this is why He left us the  of a successful apostolate is when it makes souls thirst for
        Eucharist, so that He could give us His very presence: Body,  frequent and fruitful participation in the divine Banquet.
        Blood, Soul and Divinity. To use an analogy, during Covid  And this result will never be obtained except in proportion
        we couldn’t be physically present with our loved ones, but  as the apostle himself really makes Jesus in the Blessed
        we could still talk to them on the phone or have a Zoom  Sacrament the source and centre of his life.”
        call.  Yet hasn’t it been  so much better now that we can   Thus we can ask ourselves: How is my life of prayer? Do
        actually go to see them? To be with them? The same can  I regularly spend time with Jesus? If possible, do I spend
        be said with Jesus. It’s good to speak to Him in prayer at  time in adoration? Or do I at least make regular time for
        home, but it can be a very profound experience to be in His  prayer at home if I cannot get to a Church? Can I honestly
        Eucharistic presence. Just as a practical point, remember  say that I have a relationship with Jesus? What does this
        that  it doesn’t  have  to be during  scheduled  times  of  relationship look like? 
        adoration when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the   Like Jesus on the Cross who  cried out, “I thirst!”, can I
        altar (although this is very good and helpful!). Time in front  truly say that I share in His thirst for souls and seek to bring
        of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle is already time  others to Him? Is my ministry fuelled by a life of prayer? Is
        spent with Jesus. Just like you can’t be in                            being an extraordinary minister of Holy
        the presence of the sun without being                                  Communion  just something I  do?  Or
        changed, it’s the same with the Eucharist.                             has it penetrated more profoundly?
        We might not have too much sun here in    Time in front of the Blessed   And  most  importantly,  what  might
        Scotland at the moment, but in Florida   Sacrament in the tabernacle   Jesus be trying to tell me today? 
        where I’m from, there’s lots of sun!  You   is already time spent with   We’ve made three stops on our little
        literally go outside for an hour and like it   Jesus. Just like you can’t be   walk  with Mary.  Can you remember
        or not, you’re tanner. You’re changed. Yet   in the presence of the sun   what they were? 
        the sun is just a creature. The Eucharist   without being changed, it’s   The Call of the Lord
        is the God of the universe. How much    the same with the Eucharist.    The Spiritual Good of Ministry 
        more will we be changed by being in His                                 Devotion to the Eucharist
        presence!                                                               I hope that from these words you’ve
          Eucharistic adoration not only spiritually                           been able to receive something helpful
        nourishes us, but it also has ripple effects                           for your own faith journey and ministry.
        on those around us. Personal prayer is utterly vital for any  I’ll conclude simply by quoting Pope St John Paul II who said
        ministry to bear fruit, including yours. Dom Jean-Baptist  “The Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Where Eucharistic
        Chautard, a Trappist monk, wrote a book entitled The Soul   life flourishes, there the life of the Church will blossom.” As
        of the Apostolate in which he describes how necessary  you continue to exercise your ministry, may a Eucharistic
        the interior life is for ministry to bear fruit. This is simply  life flourish in our parishes, so that the life of the Catholic
        because the source of all grace is Christ Himself. If we cease  Church here in Aberdeen may truly blossom. May Our Lady
        to be connected to Him in prayer, then we cut ourselves  of Aberdeen intercede for us and lead us to her Son, Jesus
        off from that source like a branch cut off from a tree. To  Christ our Lord. Amen.
        quote him, “If the apostle [that’s you and me!] is going to
        overflow with divine life and pour it out upon the faithful,  Suggested Reading
        and if the richest source for divine life he can find is the
        Eucharist, how can we get away from the conclusion that   Life of Union with Mary by Fr Emile Neubert
        his works will have little efficacy except through the action   Our Lady and the Church by Fr Hugo Rahner, SJ
        of the Eucharist on those who are to be, either directly or   The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard
        indirectly, dispensers of that life through these works.”    The World’s First Love by Bishop Fulton Sheen
          Otherwise, this ministry can cease to truly be a ministry   True Devotion to Mary by St Louis-Marie Grignon de
        and devolve into a mere ‘doing.’ This can apply to everything   Montfort
        you’re asked to do in the Church. When ministry in the
        Church becomes a mere doing, ‘busy-ness,’ then sooner or
        later burnout will be around the corner. I once heard it said
        – and I think it’s true –  that burnout is not doing too much,
        but receiving too little. Without that connection to Christ in
        prayer, who is the Source of all strength and grace, then our
        2       Chautard, Dom Jean-Baptiste.  The Soul  of the
        Apostolate.  Trans. Monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani.  Tan
        Books: Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012. p. 187.       3      Ibid, p. 189.
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