Page 17 - LOTN Autumn Issue 54 2023
P. 17


        organise other events. There were the Burns Suppers with Bob  Friends  of  Rosemary were  so  impressed  with  her  strength  of
        providing the diners with a recital of Burns' poems which always  character that, when their first child was born, they wanted no
        went down well. Then there was another night out arranged  other than Rosemary to be the godmother.
        with a local singer, Ally Dawson, who had supported Rosemary   Rosemary's courage and determination seemed to know no
        in the past and with Ray Stewart, one of the finest banjo players  bounds. Friends of hers happened to be showing her photographs
        in Scotland. Funding for Rosemary's possum machine was  of the Cairngorms and she was captivated by the beautiful
        really taking off.                                    scenery. She so wished that she could view the mountain range
          The day of reckoning came, and all who had participated  for herself. BUT nothing is impossible and Ben, hearing of this,
        in the fundraising efforts were invited along to a meeting at  spoke to pilot, Peter Forbes, at a local flying club. He said that
        which  Rosemary's  father announced that a  staggering  sum  he would be more than happy to take Rosemary for a flight
        of £4000 had been raised, and enough to purchase the much  and it was duly arranged. Ben and her parents managed to get
        needed possum machine. A week or two later it was installed  Rosemary settled into the two seater cockpit of Peter's plane and
        in Rosemary’s room at her home. Rosemary and her Mum and  off she went, flying over the magnificent Cairngorms. This was
        Dad were thrilled and Bob could not prevent shedding a few  the beginning of a new interest for Rosemary as Peter, impressed
        tears.                                                by Rosemary's attitude to life, would take her for a flight now
          At last, Rosemary could now communicate with her family  and again. Ben remembers Rosemary commenting that, while
        and there was great delight when Rosemary's first words, "Many  she was up in the blue yonder, it felt like all her disabilities had
        thanks", appeared on her television monitor screen. Rosemary's  been left behind.
        first project, using the new technology, was to increase her   Ben remained friends with Bob and Pearl and Rosemary.
        knowledge about disability and then she threw herself into  Sadly, Rosemary passed away 25 years ago and a few years later
        the study of anatomy. Every Sunday evening students visited  Bob passed away suddenly with a heart attack, though many
        Rosemary and taught her what they know about the subject.  said he died of a broken heart.
        Rosemary made lots of friends that way.                 Pearl, such a devoted and dedicated mother to Rosemary, lived
          Rosemary loved children and "adopted" a blind girl from a  until she was over 90 years old. Ben and Joe are both retired and
        developing country whom she corresponded with once a week.  in good health.

          "The source

          and summit of

          Christian life"

          "This is the final instalment of an article which was originally
        written as a talk for a gathering of Extraordinary Ministers of
        Holy Communion in the Aberdeen deanery. While the original
        audience were those serving in this capacity, my hope is that
        these words will benefit any reader who wants to grow deeper
        in his/her baptismal calling, become more aware of the spiritual
        fruits of serving in the Church and grow in devotion to the
        Eucharist as the 'source and summit of Christian life". Please
        know that my prayers are with you and I commend myself to
        yours as well."

        Devotion to the Eucharist:

        Mary at the foot of the Cross

                                                              his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary
          t would be scandalous for me to give a spiritual talk to   Magdalene.   When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple
          extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion without   whom  he  loved  standing  nearby, he  said to  his  mother,
        Italking about devotion to the Eucharist. For this, let’s   “Woman, behold, your son!”   Then he said to the disciple,
         follow Mary to the foot of the Cross.                “Behold,  your  mother!”  And  from  that  hour  the  disciple
                                                              took her to his own home.
          The Death of Jesus: John 19:25-37                    28   After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished,
          …standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and   said (to fulfil the Scripture), “I thirst.”   A jar full of sour wine

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