Page 27 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
P. 27


                                                              find titles for her in all but one of our dioceses so if anyone likes
                                                              a good treasure hunt I’d love to complete the litany I’ve begun
                                                              to pray (see below). I’ve also been told by an elderly gentleman
                                                              that in Glasgow they prayed to Our Lady of Motherwell as late
                                                              as the 1980’s whilst in Motherwell itself we honoured her with
                                                              the title of Our Lady of Good Aid.
                                                               Another mystery I’ve yet to shed light upon is that of Sanct
                                                              Gordanis as I can’t find him listed in later Scottish Calendars
                                                              (Please get in touch if you can fill any gaps!).
                                                               Wouldn’t it be grand if we once again sought refuge in her
                                                              immaculate heart under her Scots titles as pilgrims to the very
                                                              same wells and places where she bestowed untold graces upon
                                                              our  forebearers! As  Mother of  the  true  wellspring  and  water
                                                              of life, Jesus Christ, and as our Mother, she is calling us back
                                                              to Him from a land in which He sometimes seems largely
                                                              forgotten. I pray we let our own voices join with those of our
                                                              kin long past to once again shower Mother Mary and all our
                                                              Scottish Saints with veneration and grateful love in ways they’ve
                                                              not heard for way too long. They are longing for us to ask for
                                                              their intercession for the country and people they love so dearly.
                                                              Maybe then, will we be able to bring the whole of Scotland back
                                                              under her protective mantle.
                                                               Ouer Laidy o’ Aiberdeen; praye for us
                                                               Ouer Laidy o’ th’ Isles; praye for us
                  Ouer Laidy o’ Mitherwall; praye for us       Ouer Laidy o’ Paisla’; praye for us
                                                               Ouer Laidy o’ Mitherwall; praye for us
        garden and, although no-one has been able to partake of the   Ouer Laidy o’ Prestwic; praye for us
        healing waters for nearly 150 years, the outskirts of Motherwell   Ouer Laidy o’ Dunde; praye for us
        is still the location of Scotland’s national Marian shrine, Carfin   Ouer Laidy o’ …Dunfaurlin…(?); praye for us
        Grotto (albeit on the other side of town).             Haily Mither o Gode, Quein o Scots, praye for us
          I’ve also had the pleasure of re-discovering many of her Scots   A Bànrigh na h-Alba; A Mhàthair naomh Dhè, Guidh air ar
        titles as recorded in documents from the 1400’s. These include   son
        Our Ladi Lycht of Prestwic, Ouer Lady Luge of Dun-dè, Our
        Lady of Grace in Kile and in 1505 she seemed to share the feast
        day of her nativity with St Gordon "… inwith the oct. of the   Caireen's article was first published in St Moluag's Coracle:
        natiuite of our lady on Sanct Gordanis day". I’ve managed to

        The Prayer of Abbé Gaston Courtois

             ère Gaston Courtois (1897-1970) was a French priest and abbot. He was born in Paris and
             ordained a priest in 1925. Renowned for his intense and multifaceted apostolic activity, he
        Pwas a prolific author and a man of deep prayer. He founded the Valiant Hearts movement,
        was co-founder of the International Catholic Office for Children, and attorney general for the
        Sons of Charity.
          Fr Giles Conacher OSB from Pluscarden Abbey sent us the following Ten Commandments of Joy
        written by Père Gaston which are well worth pinning up on your wall!
                                                                                                   Père Gaston

          The Ten Commandments of Joy                          6. Thou shalt avoid complaints and criticism – there is
                                                               nothing more depressing.
           1. Thou shalt ask God for joy, faithfully, each morning.
           2.  Thou shalt smile and be calm, even in case of   7. At thy work thou shalt labour energetically with a
           disagreement.                                       joyful heart.
           3. In thy heart thou shalt repeat, "God, who loves me,   8. Thou shalt keep a warm welcome for visitors.
           is always present ."                                9.  Thou shalt comfort the suffering by completely
           4. Thou shalt constantly apply thyself to seeing the   forgetting yourself.
           good side of people.                                10. By spreading joy everywhere, you will certainly
           5. Thou shalt mercilessly banish sadness from thyself.  have some for yourself.

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