Page 24 - LOTN Summer Issue 47 2021
P. 24


         Oot an Aboot

         with Ron Smith

        St. Andrew’s church,

        Antwerp, and the

        Scottish connection

                                                              The portrait of Mary Queen of Scots and the statues of St
                  ntwerp with its many ancient buildings and  Barbara and St. Elisabeth of Hungary, patron saints of two of
                  churches is a great place to visit. One of the               her ladies-in-waiting
                  lesser-known churches is St. Andrew’s. It  late. Andrew died, and the painting shows him being lowered
         A is a little out of the way, hidden by apartment  from the cross with angels taking his soul up to heaven. The
        blocks, and was known as the “Parish of Misery” because  painting took from 1594 to 1599 to complete and, in a part
        it served the dockyard workers. It is 500 years old, and the  of the church which serves as a museum, the original “model”
        exterior is not spectacular - but once you step inside - it  painting is also on display.
        takes your breath away.                                This is not the only Scottish connection. To one side of the
          On my visit I immediately felt at home with the huge saltire  altar is a large black marble panel, with an image of Mary Queen
        laid into the floor leading to the altar.             of Scots above it. This dates from around 1620. When Elizabeth
          A painting for the altar was commissioned following a  I of England had Mary Stuart executed in 1587many Catholics
        competition when artists were invited to submit a “model”  fled to Belgium, including two of her ladies-in-waiting who
        painting, about two feet square, of what they proposed. Otto  came to Antwerp to live close to this “Scottish” church. Elisabeth
        Van Veen (Rubens' teacher) won and painted the large image  Curle and Barbara Moubray, the ladies in waiting in question,
                                          of the Martyrdom  were buried in this church. The son of Barbara, Hippoliet Curle,
                                          of   St.   Andrew   a Jesuit, commissioned this mighty epitaph to the two ladies.
                                          (approximately  14  Their patron saints, St. Barbara with an open book and St.
                                          by 9 feet). Briefly, the  Elisabeth of Hungary giving out bread to the poor, flank the
                                          events surrounding  dedication plaque, while above it is the portrait of Mary Stuart
                                          the death of St  and the Madonna.
                                          Andrew are as follows:   During the Reformation and the French Revolution the church
                                          The wife of the then  amassed many treasures from other churches, monasteries and
                                          Roman    proconsul  convents which had been forced to close. Included amongst
                                          became a Christian  these is a solid silver reliquary containing the relics of 36 saints.
                                          and   follower  of  It requires 16 men to lift and carry this in processions. On the
                                          Andrew, and rejected  sides of the reliquary are 36 painted panels depicting each saint,
                                          her husband. In turn,  painted by local artists.
                                          he decided to arrest   The church has wonderful stained-glass windows, although
                                          and crucify Andrew.  those on the north side were destroyed by the blast of a German
                                          For two days Andrew  V1 rocket in January 1945, and since replaced.
                                          preached from the    In 1821, the original pulpit from 1559 was sold to make way
                                          cross but it caused  for the current incredible wood baroque masterpiece by cabinet
                                          such a public outcry  maker Jan Baptist Van Hool and sculptor Jan Frans Van Geel.
                                          that the proconsul  At the base a life-size figure of Jesus standing on the shore of the
                                          thought it best to  Sea of Galilee is recruiting his first two disciples, Andrew, and
                                          bring him down.  his brother Peter, who are stepping out of their boat to follow
            The Martyrdom of St Andrew    However, it was  too  Jesus. The boats, oars, nets, fish, crabs, the lobsters climbing up
                                                              the nets, and the expressions on the faces of the brothers hearing
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