Page 32 - LOTN Issue 45
P. 32


        As  Bishop Hugh pointed out in his talk: "A skewed weak  a job, order his life and not waste it?  One American Pastor
        masculinity skews femininity."                                                                                                                         had a term for a lot of the men in his church – boys who
                                                              can shave. As Sam Baker says: "We aren’t suffering a crisis of
          Some statistics ...                                 masculinity so much as a crisis of boyhood, where more and
          To give you a glimpse of some of the issues facing men   more men in our society are crowding around the doorway
        let's look at some statistics from the UK and US to illustrate   of mature manhood unable to step over the threshold."
        the problems. These are by no means exhaustive!        Immature men become a problem for women in the
          Three quarters of all suicides in the UK were men. In   Church, especially if, as is quite common, they take their faith
        Scotland there were 784 deaths due to suicide, 581 of them   less seriously than their girlfriend or wife. This is an issue for
        were men (2019).                                      many young faith-filled women in the Church - the lack of
          Fifty five percent of all homeless applications in Scotland   men with the same sort of faith as them. I know personally
        from March 2019 to March 2020                                         of many examples of this and all it does
        were from men.                                                        is cause pain. This also ultimately causes
          The Scottish Government tried                                       issues for the Church. Sam Baker writes
        to quantify the overlap between                                       in his online essay "Is there such thing as
        homelessness, substance abuse       "...we men have the inconceivably   an authentic Catholic man?"
        and offending – referred to as    terrifying and breath-taking task     "… research which shows that, if the
        severe and multiple disadvantages.   of transmitting the reality of God’s   father is the primary church-goer and
        What  they found  was that  if  you   paternity to others – specifically to   living example of faith, his children have
        are white, under 40, male and with   the children in our care – so that they   a greater likelihood of practising the faith
        some other additional factors like   come to know who God the Father is!   into adulthood than even if both father
        disability and singleness, you were   Through us! God has let us loose with   and mother regularly practise their faith.
        likely to come into this category.   His paternity!  We are the primary   Where just the mother attends church,
          There is also a large amount of   manner by which others upon this   there is the least likelihood that the
        well documented research on the   earth come to know God the Father."  children will continue practising their
        effects  of  absent  fathers  in  the                                 faith into adulthood."
        lives of their children. Research                                        Please take a look at this article from
        from the Children’s Bureau, an                                        The Christian Post from 2019 by John
        established  US  charity  revealed                                    Stonestreet and G. Shane Morris,
        that:                                                                 about Dads taking children to church:
          "Father engagement reduces                                
        the frequency of behavioural problems in  boys while also   voices/dads-take-your-kids-church.html
        decreasing  delinquency  and economic  disadvantage in   What  is  clear  from  the  research  is  that  if  dad  goes  to
        low-income families.                                  church, the kids are more likely to go and stay in the church
          Fathers occupy a critical role in child development. Father   as they get older.
        absence hinders development from early infancy through
        childhood and into adulthood.  The psychological harm   What a man needs
        of father absence experienced during childhood persists   So what do men need? I could say a lot but I will just
        throughout the life course."                          say two things; peer role models and the knowledge that
                                                              God truly loves them. Role models are deeply important
          Fatherhood – the calling of a Man                   throughout our lives. In general, we all need to surround
          The Catholic Church has much to say about fatherhood   ourselves with good, faith-filled friends and acquaintances
        and why as men we are ultimately called to be Fathers,   who provide a community in which we can all seek to attain
        whether that is spiritually or biologically. Sam Baker,   the holiness of God and to find our purpose in life. That is
        contributor to  The Highland Gathering and founder of   why a couple of us, early last year, decided to set up a men’s
        Catholic Man UK and Ireland writes:                   group in Inverness and Dingwall. The idea was to provide
          " ...we men have the inconceivably terrifying and breath-  a Catholic space for men to relax and to be able to share
        taking task of transmitting the reality of God’s paternity to   with one another. It was also to be a space where we, as
        others – specifically to the children in our care – so that they   men, could talk about faith which is also why we start our
        come to know who God the Father is! Through us! God has   meetings with confession and Mass. It was from this group
        let us loose with His paternity! We are the primary manner   that the idea of a conference took shape.
        by which others upon this earth come to know God the   What about God’s love? We all need that; it is not specific
        Father."                                              to just one gender after all! But for lots of reasons men
          Human beings require role models and if boys have had    seem to find it a bit harder than women to accept it. We
        poor or non-existent male role models it is no surprise that   need to embrace the love our Father in heaven has for us,
        they grow up with dysfunctional traits. But I am not just   especially if we ourselves are fathers. The excellent retreat
        speaking of crime or substance abuse. No, who teaches a   Ged Farrell and the Dominican Sisters in Elgin organise
        boy to love and respect his future wife if he does not see   once a year for men focuses on this – The Father-heart of
        this in the men in his mum’s life? Or that he needs to get   God for men. These retreats show us that it is okay to drop
                                                              our guard when it comes to Jesus, that actually if we want

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