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        Contents                                                        Brother Ass

        DIOCESE                                                           Pressure to conform to some notion of what
        News from around the Diocese including:                         it is to have the perfect body is present from an
        A letter from Bishop Hugh OSB.......................................... 3  increasingly young age. Children as young as
        Diocesan pilgrimage to Pluscarden.....................................4  ten or eleven, both girls and boys, are being persuaded by
                                                              advertisers and social media influencers that they've got to
        Deacon Graeme makes history at St Thomas' ............ 11  be thin, fit, have glossy hair, perfect skin and white teeth.
        Resisting  Ecological  Conversion.....................................15     This is considered to be the model of success and health. The
        OBITUARY                                              fact that most of us don't naturally fit into this category is
        Deacon John McEwan OFS                                immaterial, but the impact of this aspect of popular culture
        Dom Gabriel Potter .................................................................9  can be incredibly damaging. It seems, at times, that a great
        WITNESS                                               deal of emphasis is placed on our physical appearance, but
                                                              what of the importance of  our soul  and our interior life,
        Students' hearts in the right place ..................................21  and the undeniable link between our spiritual and physical
        LITURGY                                               selves.
        A Bridgettine Mass ...............................................................23  When it comes to body image I prefer to think in terms of
        FAITH IN ACTION                                       what St Francis said about his body which he affectionately
        Sancta Familia Media .............................................................24  called ‘Brother Ass’ and which calls to mind our natural
        EDUCATION AND FORMATION                               laziness and obstinance. The Christian apologist CS Lewis
        The God who hears...............................................................26  wrote in his book, The Four Loves, "Ass is exquisitely right
                                                              because no one in his senses can either revere or hate a
        FAITH AND CULTURE                                     donkey. It is a useful, sturdy, lazy, obstinate, patient, lovable
        Swięto  Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w      and infuriating beast; deserving now the stick and now a
        Polskiej Tradycji .....................................................................27  carrot; both pathetically and absurdly beautiful."
        St Moluag of Lismore  ....................................................... 30  That does sound about right, but to get to the point, we
        St Mary's, Stonehaven ................................................................. 33  will shortly be celebrating the Solemnity of the Assumption
        St Eloi, the master craftsman ............................................ 36  of the  Virgin Mary. Mary, of course, was assumed into
        Gallant nurse who built St Aidan's, Aviemore ................37   heaven, both body and soul. While we might feel that, this
        Dishes from the Diocese - Aberdeen ............................. 39  summer, we are not quite beach body ready, it's perhaps
                                                              worth reminding ourselves that it is body and soul together
        On a Wing and a Prayer - Savi's Warbler .............................41  which form our unique human nature and that both body
        MISCELLANY                                            and soul are to be valued and given the attention and
        ALLSORTS of Everything .................................................... 42  respect due them, and that includes the right sort of food.
        CROSSWORD AND SUDOKU ............................................ 43  And when it comes to soul food there's lots of nutrition
                                                              in this bumper issue of the LOTN starting with Bishop
                                                              Hugh's regular letter to readers. There's also lots of news
                           To celebrate the Feast of the      from around the Diocese including the annual Pluscarden
               up        Assumption of the Blessed  Virgin    Pilgrimage and the ordination of Graeme Morrison as a
                         Mary our cover features a work
                                                              Permanent Deacon for St  Thomas', Keith. Also, do read
            front        entitled, Procession of Our Lady of the   Kenneth Sadler's article about why some Christians have a
                         Herbs, a painting by the Polish artist,
                                                              resistance to concrete action to address our environmental
                                                              crises. In addition, and, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of
                         Among the artist's favourite themes   St Aidan's, Aviemore, Mary Golden has written a fascinating
          were peasants, folk tales and legends, often combining   account of the gallant wartime nurse, Anastasia Kehoe,
          realism with fantasy. In the Polish folk tradition, Mary   who was responsible for getting the church built. This and
          is venerated on this day as Our Lady of Herbs. You can   lots lots more!
          find out more about this tradition and other customs   Have a great summer!
          associated with this feast in Poland on page 27.

         Managing Editor                                      Advertising
         Deacon Tony Schmitz                                  07816344241
         Cowan Watson                                         The Light of the North
         07816344241                                         St Mary’s Cathedral
                          20 Huntly Street
         Editorial Advisor                                    AB10 1SH
         Dr Glen Reynolds                                     

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