Page 16 - LOTN Issue 45
P. 16


        delighted with the opportunity to visit the Falklands due to
        the diversity of the wildlife and natural resources.
          In the capital Stanley, there is a large Anglican cathedral
        which he went to first and a small Catholic church- St Mary’s.
        St Mary’s felt like home to Sean. He muses that perhaps
        this was partly because of an emotional connection to his
        childhood in Cornwall as he was raised Catholic. Although
        there were only 10-20 parishioners in attendance at any one
        time, Sean says that when they said "Peace be with you"
        it felt sincere, and his faith and knowledge continued to
        grow. He felt compelled to go to Mass and started meeting
        with the parish priest who helped him return to, and grow       Sean (far left) and friends at the top of
        in, his faith.                                                  Mount Tumbledown, Falkland Islands
          On the night he made those first steps, Sean saw a   a separate room. On one occasion, prior to upgrading the
        beautiful big shooting star and said thanks to God. He is   internet facility, the phone connection ran out of data during
        careful to mention that he is not superstitious, but that   Mass and he had to use his own Wi-Fi! The broadcasting of
        moment held a lot of symbolism for him. The parish priest   Mass has continued to evolve with the addition of music, of
        gave him a rosary, lots to read, and asked him to contact his   readers and with the text of the order of Mass being added
        local church in Aberdeen.                             to the live stream for the benefit of viewers.
          Sean returned to the UK on a Monday, found out that St    I am told it takes hours of work to produce the four to
        Mary’s Cathedral was his local church and was starting an   five minutes of music added to each Mass. All the individual
        Alpha course on the Tuesday. He joined on the Wednesday   parts are synchronized by Jorge de Barry and David Noden
        which turned out to be the first day of the course!   who also add in the organ music. To date, in addition to
           Attending the Alpha course was similarly daunting for   the Cathedral Choir, the African Choir, Children’s Choir and
        Sean but when he walked in, the first person he met who   Gospel Choir have all accompanied Mass.
        welcomed him was someone he knew. He found the course   Sean says it was the best homework ever to distil the Order
        was delivered in a relaxed way. There was fellowship and   of Mass so that parishioners can participate and follow
        food and the theme of homecoming was also on the menu   along if unsure of the responses. There are currently two
        that night.                                           cameras in use,  one to give a main view of the sanctuary
          In  March  2020,  prior  to  the  lockdown,  public  church   and the other a side view. Sean has continued to operate
                                                              the computer linked to the cameras but now has a team of
                                                               Keen not to be singled out for praise, he asks me to
                                                              mention that many people have helped ensure that online
                                                              Masses could be offered. He also points out that God is
                                                              acting through Fr. Keith who has continued to prepare and
                                                              deliver a moving homily every day in the face of so many
                                                              other pressures.
                                                                Sean tells me he has been moved by the prayer requests
                                                              in the live chat that accompanies the Mass. He says the
                                                              Mass is the fulfilment of all Jesus has asked us to do, and
                                                              although people have been hurt by the lockdown, he feels
                                                              that it is making us stronger. People are yearning for Mass
                                                              and the Eucharist and that is really encouraging.
                                                               "God answers our prayers," said Sean. "I said my prayer
                                                              with my whole heart and my life is completely different
        Sean was thrilled to visit the Falkland Islands due to the   now. Six months ago, twelve months ago, I had no idea
                      diversity of the local wildlife         where my life would be. I’m looking forward to where my
        (By amanderson2               growing faith takes me. Listen to God’s  Word and don’t
        photos/49399018@N00/49473908641/, CC BY 2.0, https://  be afraid to follow it. When Abraham was asked to take a     gruelling walk up the mountain and sacrifice his son Isaac,
                                                              he needed strong faith. God has asked us to put Him before
        services were suspended. Sean tells me that despite having   everything else, and God rescues you if you do that."
        no audio-visual experience he volunteered to help with the   For Sean, St Mary’s Cathedral is now home and he is part
        live streaming of Mass. When I ask if he was apprehensive,   of the family.
        he tells me that the Book of Daniel is one of his favourites   "In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.
        because of Daniel’s faithfulness to God and his courage.  If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to
           When Mass started being broadcast from the Cathedral   prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place
        Clergy House prior to the lockdown, Sean had to control   for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so
        the computer linked to the camera by remote control from   that where I am you also may be." (John 14:2-3).

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